"I worry very much that the euro may destroy the EU There is a real danger that the solution to the economic problem creating a deep political problem." They said megaloependytis famous George Soros on Dutch TV show.
Asked what is the right solution for the eurozone, the Soros said that "Germany must realize that the policy which required the Eurozone-austerity programs-is counterproductive. It can really be achieved. "
Although Germany's moods are good, however, the programs push the South into a prolonged and deep recession that may last more than one decade. "In fact, it can become permanent until the pain becomes so large, that will cause a revolution, a rejection of the EU, and this will be the destruction of the EU", warns Soros.
It emphasizes that this is an extremely high price to maintain the euro.
When asked whether the euro will survive, he replied: "It can take a very long time, as happened with the Soviet Union, which was a very bad arrangement, but lasted 70 years. But I think ultimately, is to dissolve the Union. The longer and can take generations, generations will lose out in terms of political freedom and economic prosperity. "